

God does not cease to call those He wills (cf. Jn 3:13). If you are thinking of consecrating yourself to God through religious life, you can get in touch with our missionaries or participate in the days of vocational discernment.

Vocational consultations:
In English: P. Nicholas Grace nicholasgrace@ive.org 
Stephen Kennedy stephenkennedy@ive.org
In French: P. Jorge Álvarez jorgealvarez@ive.org
In German: P. Tobías Eibl tobiaseibl@ive.org
In Lithuanian: P. Domingo Avellaneda domingoavellaneda@ive.org
In Icelandic: P. Horacio Cabañas horaciocabañas@ive.org
In Dutch: P. Mario Rojas mariorojas@ive.org

Days of Vocational Discernment: